東京外国語大学図書館 横断検索システム
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HELP INDEX VernaC横断検索システム・・・  VernaC Cross Search System
What is VernaC? 
Introduction to VernaC Cross Search System
Search Procedure 
Use Guide for VernaC Cross Search System

Result Screen

Description of the Result Screen


Display of multiple languages and recommended browsers / About Results / Introduction to VernaC Automatic Transcription
FAQ INDEX VernaC横断検索システムに関する役立つ情報は、よくある質問をお読みください。
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Introduction to VernaC Cross Search System
VernaC(正式名称:“TUFS Library VernaC for Researchers and Librarians”)は、東京外国語大学附属図書館が提供する多言語データベースシステムです。原綴りと翻字を双方向に自動変換することで、多言語資料の目録作業の効率化を目指す入力支援システムと、検索先データベースの文字を意識しない検索を可能にする横断検索システムを提供しています。

What is VernaC?
VernaC (TUFS Library VernaC for Researchers and Librarians) is the multilingual database system provided by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Library. It facilitates cataloging in multiple lauguages with automatic bidirectional transcription system (Automatic Transcription), and provides the cross search system which can ignore the language transcription of the searched data.


What is VernaC Cross Search System?
VernaC Cross Search System performs a search with bidirectional transcription system which converts original scripts to their transcriptions, and the transctiptions to their original scripts simultaneously. Users can search databases thoroughly without being conscious of their letters and hit both originally-scripted and transcripted items. Some transcripted items will be displayed in their original scripts, so the users can search transcripted data in original letters.

対象言語 Available languages
Following languages are available for automatic character conversion search.
 ・ロシア語 Russian
 ・ヒンディー語 Hindi
 ・アラビア語 Arabic


When you put search keywords in Arabic letters, put them with vowel signs. Consonants require vowels even if they are followed by long vowels. Put vowels also to alif with hamzah, waaw with hamzah, and yaa with hamzah.


When you search keywords in Arabic letters, words with vowel alif and sign alif (ʾ) would be converted to different words. You can check the result of the character conversion before search and correct the spelling of your search keywords. Check the "Search after character conversion check" box.


Languages other than Russian, Hindi, and Arabic are not available for the automatic character conversion search, but VernaC performs a search with the keyword in any language letters. Please note that you cannot hit items in some databases which require only original scripts or transcriptions.
Use Guide for VernaC Cross Search System
A. システムへ接続

A. Connection to the system
Open VernaC Cross Search System front page (http://vernac.jp/).

B. 言語と変換方向の選択
画面中央に表示されているキーボードを、入力するキーワードの言語・文字に合わせます。該当する言語がない場合は、「No Keyboard キーボードなし」を選択します。

※ 画面のキーボードを使用しない場合でも、必ず入力するキーワードに合ったキーボードを表示させてください。入力するキーワードと表示中のキーボードが合致していないと、意図しない変換により、正確な検索結果が得られない場合があります。

B. Selection of language and the direction of character conversion
Set letters of the keyboard to a language which you are going to use. When you search with letters other than Russian, Hindi, and Arabic, check "No Keyboard."

※ Please note that you need to set the keyboard on the screen to an appropriate language even if you do not use the displayed keyboard. You will get unaccurate results if the letters of your search keywords and of the displayed keyboard do not identify.

C. キーワードの入力
画面のキーボードをクリックし、キーワードを入力してください。詳細検索画面では、[Copy to] ボタンを使って、入力した文字列を適切なキーワードのフィールドへ移動させて下さい。また、キーワードは、直接入力やコピー&ペーストによる入力も可能です。
なお、Library of Congress、COPAC、BobCat、Russian State Library、AMICUS (NLC-Library and Archives Canada)、CiNii Booksへの出版年範囲検索には対応しておりません。

C. Inputting keywords
Click the keyboard on the screen, and input keywords. When you perform an advanced search, click "Copy to" button after inputting and move the keywords to an appropriate search field. You can also Copy & Paste or input keywords directly to the search box.
Please note that VernaC does not support year range search for Library of Congress,COPAC,BobCat,Russian State Library,AMICUS (NLC-Library and Archives Canada),CiNii Books.

D. 検索先の選択

D. Selection of target databases
Choose target databases for your search from the list at the bottom of the screen and check them. When you choose Russian, Hindi, or Arabic for your search language, a database which holds the largest number of items in the language you have chosen is selected as the target database automatically.

E. 検索の実行
[検索の開始] ボタンを押します。
詳細検索では、オプションとして「変換結果を確認してから検索する」機能を提供しています。ここにチェックを入れて [検索の開始] ボタンを押すと、キーワードの変換結果が表示されます。変換候補が複数ある場合は、ここで検索に用いるキーワードを選択することができます。(変換結果を確認せずに検索する場合は、第一候補が検索キーワードとなります。)

E. Performance of seach
Click "Search" button.
You can check how your keywords will be converted when you perform an advanced search. Check "Search after character conversion check" before clicking "Search" and you can see the result of character conversion. Choose an appropriate keyword when several possible words are displayed. (When you search without checking "Search after character conversion check" box, the first one is regarded as your keywords.)

Description of the Result Screen


Result list screen
Names of the search targets and the number of the hit items in each databases are displayed on the result list screen. A database whose search has been completed firstly is appeared at the top of the list. Click a link to see the detailed information of the result. A result list of each search target is displayed on a new window.


Detailed result screen
Click a title in the result list of each target database to see the detailed information of the item. When you want to search a specific database furtherly, use the link on the search result screen.


 ・ブラウザ -- Internet Exproler 11 以上を推奨しています。
 ・フォント -- 「Arial Unicode MS」等のUnicodeフォントをご利用ください。
   ”Alan Wood’s Unicode Resources / Unicode fonts for Windows computers”

Display of multiple languages and recommended environment
This system uses language code UTF-8 for the display of multiple languages. Please confirm the following recommended environment.
・ Browser -- We recommend Internet Exproler 11 or more upgraded ones.
Set Encoding to [Auto] or [UTF-8]
・ Font -- Use [Ariel Unicode MS] or other Unicode font. If your terminal does not have Unicode font, get it at the following website.
"Alan Wood's Unicode Resources / Unicode fonts for Windows comuputers"


About search result
We try to improve the accuracy of character conversion and search, but search problems could be occurred because of VernaC system. If you have questions about the results of your VernaC searches or need accurate results, please search each databases directly from the websites of their providers. Please avoid making a direct inquiry to the provider on the search result which you have gotten by our VernaC Cross Search System.


Introduction to VernaC Automatic Transcription
The bidirectional character conversion system of VernaC Cross Search System is available on the Internet. This "VernaC Automatic Transcription" aims for facilitating cataloging in multiple languages. Please access the service from here (http://vernac.jp/cat/).
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 東京外国語大学附属図書館 サービス係

If you have comments or questions, please contact us.
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Library Service Section
TEL: 042-330-5196
E-mail: www-lib@tufs.ac.jp
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