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HELP INDEX VernaC入力支援システム・・・  VernaC Automatic Transcription
What is VernaC?
Introduction to VernaC Automatic Transcription
Use Gude 
Guide for using VernaC Automatic Transcription
About the Available Languages 
Features of each languages and notice


Display of multiple languages and recommended environment / Using the result of language conversion / Introduction to VernaC cross search system
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Introduction to VernaC Automatic Transcription
VernaC(正式名称:“TUFS Library VernaC for Researchers and Librarians”)は、東京外国語大学附属図書館が提供する多言語データベースシステムです。原綴りと翻字を双方向に自動変換することで、多言語資料の目録作業の効率化を目指す入力支援システムと、検索先データベースの文字を意識しない検索を可能にする横断検索システムを提供しています。

What is VernaC?
VernaC (TUFS Library VernaC for Researchers and Librarians) is the multilingual database system provided by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Library. It facilitates cataloging in multiple lauguages with automatic bidirectional transcription system (Automatic Transcription), and provides the cross search system which can ignore the language transcription of the searched data.


What is VernaC Automatic Transcription?
VernaC Automatic Transcription converts original scripts to transcriptions, transcriptions to original scripts with one click. (There are some cases that several alternatives for transcription will be suggested). In addition, the keyboard on the input screen of VernaC website arranges only usable letters in order to facilitate inputting.

Guide for using VernaC Automatic Transcription
A. システムへ接続

A. Connect to the system
Open VernaC Automatic Transcription front page (http://vernac.jp/cat/).

B. 言語と変換方向の選択

B. Selection of language and direction of character conversion
Choose a language and the direction of character conversion (original scripts → transcriptions / Transcriptions → original scripts), and open the inputting screen. You can still change the language and the direction of character conversion after displaying the inputting screen by selecting them from the pulldown menu on the upper left side of the screen. The keyboard of your arrangement appears on the screen.

C. 入力と変換
変換したい文字列が入力できたら、[ Convert ] ボタンを押します。

C. Inputting and conversion
Click the keyboard on the screen for inputting. You can also input the words by typing the actual keyboard or by Copy & Paste.
Click [Convert] button after inputting.

D. 変換結果の利用
ラジオボタンをONにし、[ Copy ] ボタンを押すと、該当の文字列がクリップボードにコピーされますので、ご使用のアプリケーション等に貼り付けてご利用ください。

D. Using the result of conversion
On the result screen, the original scripts are displayed on the left, and their transcriptions on the right. There are some cases that several alternatives for transcription will be suggested. Set the radio button to ON and push [Copy] button to copy the words on the clipboard. Paste the words on the application which you are using.
 ※Please note that the letters will get garbled if you paste it on the application which is not supported by Unicode (8UTF-8).

E. 変換結果の修正
変換結果画面で、修正したい文字列のラジオボタンをONにし、[ Modify ] ボタンを押します。

E. Correction of the result of conversion
You can correct the result of conversion when you cannot get accurate letters. Choose the letters which you want to correct and set the radio button to ON. Click [Modify] button to display the letters you have chosen.
Edit the letters with the keyboard on the right side of the screen. (You can choose the setting of the keyboard from the pulldown menu.) You can also input the letters by typing.

About the available languages


Available languages
Following languages are available presently. Please check the notices for each languages.

翻字方式はALA-LC Romanization tablesに準拠しています。
 ALA-LC Romanization tablesは以下のURLで公開されています。

Transcription method
We follow ALA-LC Romanization tables for the language transcription.
Please note that it could be different from other transcription methods which are used generally.
You can see the ALA-LC Romanization tables at the website bellow.


Using capital letters
You cannot use capital letters when you convert original scripts to their transcriptions, for the system is not corresponded to Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 2 (AACR2). Please change the letter case by yourself after converting the letters.

 (1)ALA-LC Romanization tablesでは、語末のъ(硬音記号)は翻字しない規則になっていますので、原綴りで入力しても翻字はされません。
   例:архивъ → arkhiv
   例:е → e(ローマンアルファベットのe)
     ё → ë(ローマンアルファベットのe+ウムラウト)

1. Conversion from original scripts to transcriptions
(1) ъ (hard sign) at the end of the word will not be transcripted, according to the regulation of ALA-LC Romanization tables.
e.g. архивъ → arkhiv

(2) е and ё, Е and Ё are distinguished in this system, though those letters are used without differentiation generally.
e.g. е → e (Roman Alphabet e) / ё → ë (Roman Alphabet e + umlaut)

   例:sampādaka → संपादक と翻字されます。
     सम्पादक にしたい場合は、変換結果を変更してください。
   例:hausa → हौस と翻字されます。
     हउस にしたい場合は、変換結果を変更してください。

1. Conversion from transcriptions to original scripts
(1) When consonants which have the same point of articulation to nasal (m and p, n and t, etc.) continue, nasal is converted to anusvara. If you want to show a nasal and a consonant which have the same place of articulation as a conjunct character, you need to modify the result of conversion.
e.g. sampādaka → संपादक
Modify the result if you want to convert the word to सम्पादक

(2) ai and au are recognized as long vowels. If you want to continue the short vowels like a+i or a+u, you need to modify the result.
e.g. hausa → हौस
Modify the result if you want to convert the word to हउस


   例:mumkin → ممكن
   例:naṣṣ → نص
   語中・語末の短母音(a,u,i) → トルツメ
   語中・語末の長母音(ā,ū,ī) → それぞれアリフ(ا),ワーウ(و),ヤー(ي)に変換
   語頭の短母音(a,u,i) → アリフ(ا)に変換
   語頭の長母音(ā,ū,ī) → それぞれマッダ付きアリフ(آ),アリフ+ワーウ(او),アリフ+ヤー(اي)に変換
   á → アリフ・マクスーラ(ى)に変換
   短母音+記号のアリフ(aʾ,uʾ,iʾ) → それぞれハムザ付きアリフ(أ),ハムザ付きワーウ(ؤ),ハムザ付きヤー(ئ)に変換
   āʾが語末にある場合 → アリフ+ハムザ(اء)に変換
   aʾのうしろに長母音がある場合(aʾā,aʾū,aʾī) → それぞれマッダ付きアリフ(آ),ハムザ付きワーウ(ؤ),ハムザ付きヤー(ئ)に変換
   記号のアリフ+短母音(ʾa,ʾu,ʾi) → それぞれハムザ付きアリフ(أ),ハムザ付きワーウ(ؤ),ハムザ付きヤー(ئ)に変換
   記号のアリフ+長母音(ʾā,ʾū,ʾī) → それぞれマッダ付きアリフ(آ),ハムザ付きワーウ(ؤ),ハムザ付きヤー(ئ)に変換
   ハイフン+短母音(-a,-u,-i) → アリフ(ا)に変換
   ハイフン+長母音(-ā,-ū,-ī) → それぞれマッダ付きアリフ(آ),アリフ+ワーウ(او),アリフ+ヤー(اي)に変換
   ハイフン(上記以外の場合) → トルツメ
   例:qubbah → قبه および قبة
   例:al-Riḥlah al-Muḥsinīyah → الرحلة المحسنية
                  الرحله المحسنية
                  الرحلة المحسنيه
                  الرحله المحسنيه
   例:thābit → ثابت および ثابة


1. Conversion from original scripts to transcriptions
(1) Put a vowel symbol, sukuun, and other signs (shakul).
(2) A consonant requires a vowel symbol even if it is followed by a long vowel.
(3) Put a vowel symbol also to alif with hamzah, waaw with hamzah, and yaa with hamzah.

2. Conversion from transcriptions to original scripts
(1) Short vowels are not reflected in the original scripts basically. Only long vowels and consonants are converted to their original scripts. See (4) for the exceptional cases.
e.g. mumkin → ممكن

(2) When the same consonant continues, the second one is omitted and just the first one is converted.
e.g. naṣṣ → نص

(3) Shakul is not attached.

(4) Vowels are converted as follows. There are some cases that different words are displayed as a result. Please modify the result as appropriate.
Short vowel (a, u, i) in the middle / at the end of a word → omit
Long vowel (ā, ū, ī) in the middle / at the end of a word
→ converted to alif (ا), waaw (و), yaa (ي)
Short vowel (a, u, i,) at the beginning of a word → converted to alif (ا)
Long vowel (ā, ū, ī) at the beginning of a word
→ converted to alif (ا) with maddah, alif + waaw (او), alif + yaa (اي)
á → converted to alif maskura (ى)
Short vowel + alif with a sign alif(aʾ,uʾ,iʾ) 
→ converted to alif with hamzah (أ), waaw with hamzah (ؤ), yaa with hamzah (ئ)
āʾ at the end of a word → converted to alif + hamzah (اء)
aʾ followed by a long vowel (aʾā,aʾū,aʾī) → converted to alif with maddah (آ), waaw with hamzah (ؤ), yaa with hamzah (ئ)

(5) Sign alif(ʾ)is converted as follows. There are some cases that different words are displayed as a result. Please modify the result as appropriate.
Sign alif(ʾ)+ short vowel (ʾa,ʾu,ʾi)
→ converted to alif with hamzah (أ), waaw with hamzah (ؤ), yaa with hamzah (ئ)
Sign alif(ʾ)+ long vowel (ʾā,ʾū,ʾī)
→ converted to alif with maddah (آ), waaw with hamzah (ؤ), yaa with hamzah (ئ)

(6) Hyphen is converted as follows.
Hyphen + short vowel (-a, -u, -i,) → converted to alif (ا)
Hyphen + long vowel (-ā, -ū, -ī)
→ converted to alif with maddah (آ), waaw with alif (او), yaa with alif (اي)
Other hyphens → omit

(7) h at the end of a word could be either haa (ه) or taa marbuutah (ة). Both possibilities are shown as results. Please choose appropriate one from the alternatives.
qubbah → قبه and قبة
al-Riḥlah al-Muḥsinīyah → الرحلة المحسنية
                  الرحله المحسنية
                  الرحلة المحسنيه
                  الرحله المحسنيه

(8) t at the end of a word could be either taa (ت) or taa marbuutah (ة). Both possibilities are shown as results. Please choose appropriate one from the alternatives.
e.g. thābit → ثابت and ثابة


 ・ブラウザ -- Internet Exproler 11 以上を推奨しています。
 ・フォント -- 「Arial Unicode MS」等のUnicodeフォントをご利用ください。
   ”Alan Wood’s Unicode Resources / Unicode fonts for Windows computers”

Display of multiple languages and recommended environment
This system uses language code UTF-8 for the display of multiple languages. Please confirm the following recommended environment.
・ Browser -- We recommend Internet Exproler 6 or more upgraded ones.
Set Encoding to [Auto] or [UTF-8]
・ Font -- Use [Ariel Unicode MS] or other Unicode font. If your terminal does not have Unicode font, get it at the following website.
"Alan Wood’s Unicode Resources / Unicode fonts for Windows computers"


Using the result of language conversion
We manage to improve the accuracy of language conversion, but the system does not assure the perfect conversion. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Library assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any disadvantages or dameges resulting from the conversion result. Please confirm the result by yourself when you use it.


Introduction to VernaC cross search system
TUFS Library provides multilingual cross search system [VernaC Cross Search System]. It enables you to search without minding the language character (transcriptions / original scripts). Please access and use it here.
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 東京外国語大学附属図書館 サービス係

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E-mail: www-lib@tufs.ac.jp
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